Monday, April 4, 2011

Uzi Rash Group Band

Uzi Rash is a rad band based out of Oakland, Ca.  They'll be playing down in Provo at The Compound April 23rd. I had the pleasure of chatting with them over email and this is how it went

Alien:Who is the Uzi Rash Group and their Band?

: The uzi rash group is not a group of people but an idea or set of ideals (ridiculous propaganda) that work through a set of people. for right now the music band is comprised of max nordile, steve0, courtney crusher, and mick. and sometimes cody. and sometimes paddy. and andy. and laura. but there have been others. for now I (m.nordile) will speak for the group.

A: You guys are from Brooklyn right? And are now based out of Oakland?

M: The group began in seattle wa in 2007 and will end in oakland ca in

A: Ah yes my ancestors Warned me of the year 2012.  What do you expect to
happen and how are you preparing?

M: In 2012 extraterrestrial reptoids that live straddling the gutter betwixt the 4th and 5th dimension will descend from above to eat our flesh and drink our blood. they will harvest our energy from our vessels like the farmer separating the wheat from the chaff. we prepare by giving the gifts of art and music to the world, into the air, through the atmosphere. beautiful groovy mellow vibes that quell hate, fear, and dirty dishes. also, that year marks the end of the uzi rash band, as we began in 2007. following the precepts of our 5 year plan  (according to the rule of 5s) we will self destruct on the shores of mono lake only to be reborn in a more purely dumb fashion.

A: Well both Coasts have exploded with really awesome DIY bands the past few years.  How would you describe both scenes? Does everyone help each other out or is it kind of cut throat?

M: We have explored bicoastality and concluded that california is the more welcoming environ(sic) for our peaceful jaunt to trashtopia. There is a wonderful group of freaks out here creating all manner of rackets and electrical sockets stick out prominently from shanty hotels so that we may plug in and join in the cacophony.

A: Where is Trashtopia And how do I get there?

M: Trashtopia is everywhere. It is civilization. It is every city. It is religion, work, commerce, cars, teachers, bosses, surplus agriculturalism, domestication of animals, serf rock, the arts. It is
the whole shebang. It is our detritus cloaked earth.

A: Who are your favorite Bay Area bands right now?


A: What bands inspired you guys to pick up instruments and make music?

M: We were inspired to create music by having a simultaneous collective vision of the words "UZI RASH" spelled out in sweat droplets on Bud Tutmarcs forehead. it was quite a sight!

A: I know you guys covered a Dolly Parton song, have you ever considered trashing up a gospel song of Bud Tutmarcs?

M: No, we would never cover a bud tutmarc song.

A: How would you describe the Uzi Rash sound?

M: We play the "Northwest Sound", high and freeee, caterwauling and wild,
perpendicular and untameable, formulaic and primitive, dumb and stupid. we are trashbags on a morons errand!

A: Your LP "High and Phree" came with ground up salvia.  I started to think how listening to "High and Phree" on salvia would probably make my head explode.  The first time i smoked it, everyone/thing in the room began to get sucked out of the back door, and i morphed into the table.  Do you have any crazy Salvia stories?

M: I forget wha some LPs actually included atropa belladonna, along with related plants such as jimson weed (Datura stramonium), which have occasionally been used as a recreational drug because of the vivid hallucinations and delirium that it produces. These hallucinations are most commonly described as very unpleasant, however, and recreational use is considered extremely dangerous because of the high risk of unintentional fatal overdose. In addition, the central nervous system effects of atropine include memory disruption, which may lead to severe confusion.

Once, we saw black and white for a few days and had (another) collective vision. we saw the land without buildings or people in the manner it was first presented many many years ago. itwas pretty coolnice.

THIS is pretty coolnice. continue thee asking!

A: How did you get hooked up with the soldiers at The Compound in Provo?

M: Dani nosebleed, an UZI RASH alumni, is a frequent visitor to utah.  she, as well as oakland compatriots Knifey Spoony, pointed us the direction of the compound.

A: You played a Halloween show as The Monks, have they influenced how you perform live?

M: The monks have influenced us in most every aspect except their musical eptitude. "cool" hair too. you can really feel that autumn breeze!

A: Uzi Rash recently put out the "I saw you" 7in, is there an LP coming out that we can look forward to?

M: We will have copies of our third LP "palmwine rumpus vol. 2" (on partngg! records) when we happen upon yr strange desert have this spring. in addition we will have "i was 30 in 2012" coming out on volar records this august.

A: What Can People expect April 23rd at The Compound?

M: People can expect much singing, dancing and carrying on! revelry of a debauched and degenerate sort, total idiocy, explorations of creative expression through maladroit and tuneless musical meanderings, and, naturally, much flaunting of the disregarded "4th wall". fuck it, give us a moist hug. or offer us a nip from ye olde huffing pen. all rash Happenings are byo duster.

A: Anything else you wanna tell the people of Utah?

M: We are fascinated by mormons--our last words.

Thanks to Max for doing an Alien Interview.  Be sure to check them out and buy some merch when they play The Compound April 23rd

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